Zuni Fetishes are an animal, bird or figure hand carved from stone, shell, antler, wood or other natural materials...The Zuni fetishes are carved to represent the animals which the Zuni people feel are the "mediators" between themselves and a higher power...Zuni Fetishes were first carved as "hunting" fetishes. When taken on a hunting expedition they would ensure a plentiful and successful hunt. Each fetish is believed to have a spirit within. If treated and taken care of properly Zuni Fetishes will help guide you on the right path of life.

Others in my family have chosen or been assigned an eagle, a soaring spirit that transcends personal problems and is a connection to the Divine, a buffalo, a symbol of steadfast endurance to rise above their weaknesses, and a dolphin, who is known for gentleness and playfulness.
So what's your fetish? On the website I mentioned above, they list animal fetishes and their symbols. They also sell them on their website if you feel tempted.
Let me know when you pick yours!!!
Wow, this is intriguing. I would have to say mine would be either (or both?) the Hummingbird "known for bringing inspiration and luck" because I'm always needing inspiration for my quilt work...and/or the Raven; "this bird's beak is stratched across an afflicted person's skull releasing its healing powers" since I will have surgery soon. Both are birds!
That is interesting. I'm so excited to hear about the surgery even though I know it is surgery and will be hard for you. I guess you can have the hummingbird as your main "soul" fetish but in times of change you can have another to support you. Thanks for sharing!
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