At the beginning of the school year the 6th graders learned about Impressionism and were taught how to make their own Impressionistic art by using their fingertips dipped in paint and dabbing them on paper, making "dots" that when viewed from a distance looked like a wonderful Impressionist painting. This one here on the left was painted by the master himself, Claude Monet, and is called "Soleil Levant", or "Sunrise".

The next theme in Art has been Cubism, which I never had heard of until now but have seen works by artists known to the genre such as Picasso and Braque. In this unit, our Art teacher has taught us that Cubism involves angles and lines to define an abstract scene and that the color scheme is "monochromatic" or in one color. For example, this painting by Picasso is in shades of brown. It is titled, "Le Guitariste" which I can probably safely assume has something to do with a guitarist.
Now the kids aren't painting sophisticated works such as guitarists, but I've been watching some great paintings of turtles, fish, and bowls of fruit develop. Since my two students weren't able to draw their own cubic art, their art teacher asked me to help. So I asked each one what they'd like to paint. My girl wanted a bunny and my boy wanted a gorilla. I think I drew pretty good cubic representations of those two animals and we're in process of painting them now. I've never seen such a pretty red gorilla, or a perfect green bunny before!
I can't wait until Friday to see how they all finish up!

I now leave you with one last cubist painting by Braque: "Woman With a Guitar" I believe that this may have been a "copycat" on Picasso's theme since Picasso painted his guitarist in 1910 and Braque painted his in 1913 in roughly the same color scheme. What do you think?
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